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volunteerism and civic values

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El butlletí del voluntariat català

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Dilluns, 6 d'octubre de 2014 Butlletins anteriors
Destacats | Notícies | News | Library documents | volunteerism and civic values

:: Destacats

The Value of Volunteering to Communities and SocietyCatalonia, a voluntary associationVERSO, a European initiative to fight unemployment
Gabriella CivicoFont: GencatBe a volunteer - Font: alz.org
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:: Notícies

Catalonia and the value of volunteering
Font: Flickr Fundació Arrels

Valors magazine explains that discreet volunteering exists in Catalonia and is sign of hope because actions are carried ...

The virtuous circle of volunteering
Be a volunteer - Font: pinterest.com

Roger Buch, of Xarxanet.org, explains that volunteering has a lot of positive societal effects because of how it impacts its beneficiaries’ well-being. This means that the situation of children, aged people or even rivers and forests that benefit from volunteering clearly improves.

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:: News

Online course: Volunteering and employment
Joves fent voluntariat ambiental - Universidad de Navarra a Flickr

How can volunteering act as a tool for employment? How can the volunteering experience become a space to develop employability? This online course answers these questions both from a theoretical and practical approach. 

What will be the future role of volunteering?

Enric Canet, citizen relations director of the Casal dels Infants, exposes what will be the future role of volunteering.

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:: Library documents

Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe (P.A.V.E)

The document provides recommendations to achieve more effective and efficient policies, aiming to support and promote volunteering and the organizations and persons that are part of it.

Volunteering Infrastructure in Europe

Extensive report drawn up by the European Volunteer Center, it analyzes the situation of volunteering in all countries of the European Union, giving an overview of the context in each country, the legal framework, the research on the sector, the key stakeholders and the main funding sources.

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:: volunteerism and civic values

Mentoring, a tool to progress equal opportunities and to fight against social exclusion
Font: Punt de Referència.

To support formerly supervised youngsters during their emancipation process is one of the tasks done by the Association Punt de Referència. After 17 years of experience, in 2013 they supported more than 170 people.

"We wanted to understand the reality that surrounds us in our own city"

Punt de Referència allows many people to help those who need it most through Mentoring. We have told with a couple who participates in one of their programmes.

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Aquest butlletí és una iniciativa del Departament de Drets Socials de la Generalitat de Catalunya, coeditat amb la Fundació Pere Tarrés. ISSN: 2385-4146


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