Àmbit de la notícia

Dossier on Catalan literature

  • Portada de la revista que inclou com a dossier principal la literatura catalana.

The literary journal World Literature Today has devoted a monographic dossier to Catalan literature in its September 2009 issue. The publication, one of the oldest and most prestigious literary journals in the English language, has published pieces and essays by various Catalan authors selected by the translation theorist Lawrence Venuti.


The literary journal World Literature Today has devoted a monographic dossier to Catalan literature in its September 2009 issue. The publication, one of the oldest and most prestigious literary journals in the English language, has published pieces and essays by various Catalan authors selected by the translation theorist Lawrence Venuti.


The September issue of the journal World Literature Today starts off with A Winter’s Journey by Jaume Cabré, translated by Patricia Lunn, and includes a special section dedicated to Catalan literature, with works by Quim Monzó, Miquel Bauçà, Francesc Parcerisas, Maria-Mercè Marçal, Josep Pla, Albert Sánchez Piñol, Anna Montero, Andreu Vidal, Ernest Farrés, Eva Baltasar and Mercè Rodoreda.


The monographic dossier has been edited by Lawrence Venuti, translation theorist, historian and translator of the works, along with Peter Bush, Patricia Lunn and Martha Tennent.


It also includes a review of the anthology Stone Blaze by young poets from the Balearic Islands.

The journal, edited by the University of Oklahoma since 1927, is published bimonthly and deals with literature, culture and politics. It has been recognized as one of the most informative and best edited literary reviews by to the Nobel Prize committee, and has won numerous prizes over the years.

Catalan literature has been featured in literary publication on other occasions in recent years, contributing to its international presence and visibility also with the support of the Institut Ramon Llull. In 2007 a monographic issue of the virtual magazine Words Without Borders was published at the time of the Frankfurt Book Fair; in 2008 Dalkey Archive Press dedicated an issue of the journal The Review of Contemporary Fiction to contemporary Catalan writing entitled New Catalan Fiction; while this year sees the publication of this monographic dossier in World Literature Today.


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