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Migrant children in Spain

  • F. Pere Tarrés logo.

In the context of the International Migrants Day, celebrated every year on 18th December, the Foundation Pere Tarrés, based in Barcelona, organises on 16th December a seminar on the current state and new trends concerning unaccompanied children in Spain.


Children and adolescents arriving in Catalonia without adults are more and more frequent. How many are they? From which countries? Are there girls and boys alike? Do they share the same projects? Once they arrive, what is their situation?


To answer these questions, the research group on childhood and family in multicultural environnements of the Fundación Pere Tarrés started a study in 2006 to investigate the actual situation and new trends concerning unaccompanied children in Spain.

The seminar that will take place in Barcelona is free but requires prior registration.


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