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Human Rights Course in Barcelona March 2010

  • Logo Human Rights Institute of Catalonia

For the last 27 years the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia (Institut de drets humans de Catalunya) based in Barcelona has given courses in Human Rights with the aim of giving primary education in the specialization of professionals that work in the arena of human rights. The 28th Edition will take place from 1st to 18th March. Pre-registration is open online.


The course, through several sessions, offers a largely legal overview of the many aspects of human rights. Also, from a historical viewpoint and through the process of codification and internationalization of human rights, the various systems of regional and universal protection are studied. And even though international law is the main issue, national, regional and local legislation are also covered. Furthermore, according to different contexts and historical events, in every edition the course considers several pertinent issues and/or conflicts which relate to our present situation.


The Human Rights Institute of Catalonia is conscious of the fact that at the moment human rights issues change rapidly, and as such this course, each year, offers sessions that are more specific to particular issues.


The course is tailored to students of law, economics and the social sciences, civil servants, the armed forces, jurists, social workers, economists, and all those professionals working within human rights.


During the Course the organization keeps an attendance roll, and those students who fulfill 80 per cent of the sessions will receive a diploma of attendance. A certificate of completion is provided to those students who present an essay according to the requirements of the organization.


Participants can also benefit from scholarships to stay at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, at the Office of Human Rights of the United Nations in Geneva, and at the Síndic de Greuges (Ombudsman) of Catalonia.


The Course is supported by the Council of Europe and is also a course accredited by several universities in Catalonia.


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