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Catalystic Sounds

  • Un dels cartells de Cataystic Sounds.

On 8th November the first phase of the festival Catalystic Sounds started in London. This festival will present the catalan emerging artists in several cities and concert halls in Europe. Catalystic sounds is a festival that aims at bringing catalan music to the main european cities. London will host de two first nights of this project: on 8th November and 13th december. Each of these concerts will feature three emerging bands of the catalan scene with an international projection.

The participating artists will show a range of musical styles from Catalonia and Balearic Islands.


Standstill, Guillamino and Gurth will perform on 8th November. Sanjosex, Linn Youki and Vacabou will perform on 13th December.


Dossier CATALYSTIC 2009.pdf


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