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WWF Course on Climate Change (Palamós, Catalonia)

NOAH 2009 training course on climate change and renewable energies in the Mediterranean, organised by the World Wildlife Fund, Barcelona. The Barcelona office of the WWF Mediterranean Programme (WWFme) has organised a new edition of the NOAH training course for 2009, on climate change and the use of renewable energies in the Mediterranean region. The course is aimed at NGO members, government agency representatives and experts from the Mediterranean Basin, with emphasis on North African countries. Experts from around the world will also attend.

NOAH 2009 training course on climate change and renewable energies in the Mediterranean, organised by the World Wildlife Fund, Barcelona.


The Barcelona office of the WWF Mediterranean Programme (WWFme) has organised a new edition of the NOAH training course for 2009, on climate change and the use of renewable energies in the Mediterranean region. The course is aimed at NGO members, government agency representatives and experts from the Mediterranean Basin, with emphasis on North African countries. Experts from around the world will also attend.


Dates: from 26 to 29 October 2009


Event location: Place to be confirmed, Palamós

Contact: 93 305 6252



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