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UNESCO Catalunya celebrates International Migrants Day

  • UNESCO Catalunya

On 16th and 17th December 2009, Unesco Catalunya with the support of the Catalan Government and the American Embassy organises a seminar on diversity, citizenship, perceptions of security and interculturality. This act aims at celebrating International Migrants Day (18 December) through analysing the needs for a good management of diversity and the way using human rights standards such as non discrimination can help this endeavour.


The seminar that will bring together experts on migration and interculturality such as the former UN Rapporteur on discrimination will be interesting for all those persons and professionals who are confronted with migration issues.


One of the objectives of this seminar will be to bring elements for an intercultural integration.


Participation is open to all and free based on previous registration at: www.unescocat.org. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided (Catalan, English and French).



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