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Outsiders, the video... Catalan artists in Paris, London, Berlin and New York

Series about Catalan artists who live in foreign cities, like Paris, London, Berlin and New York, where they develop their work. Each chapter shows how they live and how these artists, among whom there is the musician of jazz Alexis Cuadrado, the sculptor Ester Partegàs or the actor Carlos Romero, and how they are related with the environment. It is a proposal of Outsiders.CAT.

Series about Catalan artists who live in foreign cities, like Paris, London, Berlin and New York, where they develop their work. Each chapter shows how they live and how these artists, among whom there is the musician of jazz Alexis Cuadrado, the sculptor Ester Partegàs or the actor Carlos Romero, and how they are related with the environment.

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