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Support to the Sahrawian People

By hosting EUCOCO Barcelona became a reference of international solidarity when delegates from 36 countries from the five continents and hundreds of people, social organisations, institutions and NGO's combined their efforts to share and coordinate their experiences and initiatives in favour of the inalienable rights of Sahrawi people.



From 20 to 22nd November, Barcelona hosted the 35th edition of The European Conference of Coordination and Support to the Sahrawian People (EUCOCO), which has been held in several European cities since 1975, when the conflict started.


By hosting EUCOCO Barcelona became a reference of international solidarity when delegates from 36 countries from the five continents and hundreds of people, social organisations, institutions and NGO's combined their efforts to share and coordinate their experiences and initiatives in favour of the inalienable rights of Sahrawi people.


Eleven workshops took place to find solutions and denounce the systematic violation of human rights in the occupied territories, and the use of human resources both by Morocco and the EU which lacks the political will to put an end to this situation.


In its conclusions the Conference demands the application of international law. It calls on all parts to resume negotiations that are currently blocked by the kingdom of Morocco to restart. It also plans the creation of a global group to coordinate the parliamentary inter-groups.



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