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Ethical finance in Catalonia

  • FETS' logo
  • No Bank secrets

In recent years, ethical finance has grown a lot in Catalonia and there are now various opportunities and examples: ethical banks, entities offering ethical financial services, traditional banking institutions developing their own offer. In order to federate and promote this wealth of initiatives an association, FETS, was created in 1999.



More than two ethical banks are present in Catalunya (=Catalonia): Triodos Bank created in Holland in 1971 and mostly directed at a selective investing strategies and the Proyecto Fiare, created in the Bask country in 2003 to build a credit cooperative for Spain working with the criteria of an ethical bank.


Several entities offer ethical financial services:


  • COOP57, a cooperative created by ex workers from Editorial Bruguera who in 1995 decided to invest a part of their indemnization for being made redundant in projects fostering self employment, solidarity and sustainability.

  • Oikocrèdit Catalunya created in 2000 that has a world reach, gives credits to developing countries and raises awareness on ethical investment.

  • Acció solidària contra l'atur (ASCA) created in 1981 to support jobless people.

  • FIDEM (International Federation for Women Entrepreneur) to support women to create and consolidate their initiatives.

Catalonia’s traditional banking institutions also offer some products and services that follow ethical criteria. Amongst them: Caixa Pollença and Caixa Catalunya.


In 1999, the association FETS-Finançament Ètic i Solidari association was created to federate all efforts and promote this sector.


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