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Catalan language, Guest of Honour at the 2010 Expolangues Paris fair

  • Expolangues 2010, París
  • Until 6/2/2010

Expolangues Paris, the international language and culture fair, took place from 3rd to 6 February 2010 with the Catalan language as the guest of honour. The Institut Ramon Llull organized the Catalan participation under the slogan "Catalan, the language of 10 million Europeans".



Attracting around 25,000 visitors to the 200 exhibitors representing more than 60 languages from 20 different countries, Expolangues has proved to be a reference point in the education sphere year after year. For four days, participants and visitors will be able to find out more about the Catalan language and culture

The aim of Expolangues is to present the diverse possibilities of language learning and inform the public about the culture, the linguistic features and the teaching programmes of the languages that are taking part. The fair is a meeting space for professionals, publishers and institutions involved in language teaching and learning.


In previous editions, Expolangues has invited the European Union (2009), the People's Republic of China (2008), and the Russian Federation (2007) as the guest of honour.



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