Àmbit de la notícia

A sustainable blog about the climatic change

The Observatory of the Debt in the Globalization (ODG), -about the blog that they created on the occasion of the Summit about Climatic Change in Copenhagen-, had subscriptions to keep on receiving the articles that ODG members - "in situ", or from Barcelona- published in a daily way, previously and during the mentioned meeting, they gives it new contents, in more areas.

Once the summit finished, and made the evaluations, from the ODG, they use the created tool, the blog, to spread other opinions and news that are generated in their daily work, not necessarily related with the subject of the climatic change. So, these days begins a new experience in this blog with one or two weekly posts, about subjects like the external debt, the impact of the Spanish transnational ones in the countries of the South, the ecological debt (including climatic debt) or the anti-cooperation, some of the areas that the ODG works.


Brief opinion columns will be published in Castilian or Catalan, that will be open to receiving your comments.


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